Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A sad day

Just because I needed a giggle this morning, I was plucking along through the vast Match Pricks archives looking for that little gem that linked to the uncensored audio file of Match Pricks' favourite, Joe Kinnear and his phenomenal rant from about 16 months ago.

Yet, to my SHOCK! and HORROR! Any traces of the audio file seem to have withered away. Sure, about three more minutes of research and I might've been able to come up with it, but you don't read Match Pricks for research and we both know it.

At least we'll always have the transcript.

Politics aside, I enjoy a well crafted and well delivered speech. As such, I've had President Obama's nomination acceptance speech pinned up on the wall in my office at work. I might slap this puppy right alongside it.

Give it a read. And smile.

Just because.

1 comment:

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